Monday, January 4, 2010

Be Creative With Wedding Processionals

Every wedding I've attended had the typical format for the bridal party's entrance. You know the usual; groomsmen line up at the front of the church, bridesmaids walk down the aisle with bouquets held with both hands....blah...blah...blah! Boring...........! Guest know just what to expect. Surprise your guest and entertain them. Do something different. Be creative.

At my last wedding, for example, I had the bride walk across a balcony alone, before she walked down the aisle. The echo of "ahhhs" filled the sanctuary.The element of surprise was amazing. The groom was expecially devasted, since it was not part of the rehearsal. Only the bride, the mother of the bride and I knew. It became the topic of discussion among guest throughout the reception. It also helped that the bride looked so beautiful.

Here are just a couple ideas for processionals:
  • Have the groomsmen escort the bridesmaids down the aisle. At the end of the aisle, have them both bow to each other, while the groomsman passes an extra flower. The flower should be the same as the bouquet. They both then assume their positions.
  • Have the groomsmen and bridemaids walk on both outside aisles meeting at the center aisle. Follow the same format mentioned above of bowing and passing a flower.
So, look around your ceremony venue. I'm sure you can do something different. Be creative.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this amazing post!! I enjoyed reading this as I am getting married pretty soon. I found wedding planning stressful and now thinking to hire a planner to help me decide best wedding venues. I think it would be a great idea.